Hi there🧚

 Welcome to Ethereal Bloom Shop, my name is Sarah. I'm a gifted Spiritual Guide.

Through my psychic gifts, I've been able to help thousands of people over the years on their spiritual & life path. My expertise is in channeling spirit, from Archangels to Ancestors to Gods, to help you reach the highest timeline in this life. By connecting to one's energy, I am also able to remove any energetic blockages currently creating stagnancy and sabotaging in every life, allowing for new manifestations to come in fruitfully.

My goal with Ethereal Bloom Shop is to help people around the world to find their light and tap into their power, so that you can master how to manipulate energy and create your own desired reality. In order to do so easily and masterfully, it's important to release karmic cycles, remove energetic or subconscious blockages, and allow your true power and light to shine


A lot of these releases occur when you're going through a spiritual awakening, which can be scary and confusing for a lot when you start. You might be seeing things in the corner of your eye. You might feel like there's two energies fighting inside of you. You might feel confused as to what you're supposed to be doing in life. Or you might also just feel like you don't belong where you currently are. Looking at the people around you like they are strangers, even though you've had them in your life for a long time.

That's why I'm here.

For support.

For guidance as you embark on this journey. 

This awakening doesn't have to be so lonely. If you'll allow me to channel for you, the energies can start shifting more easily, as you receive support, clarity, and answers to questions you might not even know you had. 


If you'd like a reading:

My readings are always fully honest and raw. I take the time to fully tap into your energy and tell you exactly what you need to hear. My purpose is to help you get out of your own head and reach the limitless potential you already have. If you have any gunk blocking you from reaching that potential, I'm here to help you remove it and release it, so you can find your inner light and work through everything you need to work through. 


If you'd like a private session with me as your spiritual coach:

*Private readings are currently full until October 2024. I will be reopening bookings mid-September for October/November scheduling. Until then, I have kept the alignment message available for quick turnaround and alignment guidance from the higher realms*

My private spiritual coaching sessions are available in 60 minute private sessions or 90 minute private sessions. During these sessions, I connect with your energy and your guides, to bring you clarity on what you're currently seeking guidance on. These sessions can be simple just like they can be moving. Some people come in with one question and leave having removed enormous blockages around what they were currently seeking to achieve. I spend the whole hour (or hour and a half) to help you through your transformation and to guide you through the different messages that your spirit team wants to give you.


If you want more info:

I also have my Podcast, Everything But Niche, where I talk about everything I know, to help you through your journey on this earth. The episodes are never edited, and are fully raw. I open my computer, put on my mic, talk, and post. Full honesty and transparency.

For daily updates, you can find me on Tiktok: @Maybealeo1

For my personal Instagram: @saraahanton


Need more help? Contact me 


All the love,



Focused on Well Being

All my products & services are focused on one thing: making your life more centred around love. Love of self. Love of life. Love of spirituality. Love of love.

Everything I do follows my purpose of awakening you to your highest purpose and path, so that you can walk forward towards a path that is healthy, healing, and sustainable. Some messages will get that tough love you need to get moving, while others will give you the validation your inner child seeks to continue holding on.

In the end, it's always about coming back to yourself and coming back to your soul's purpose: existing.

I'm happy you're here. I'm excited to work with you on this beautiful and enchanting journey.

Xo --
