Divinati Grimoire
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This Grimoire contains all my secret rituals and spells for you to live your most desired reality and life.
When you purchase this grimoire, you will automatically receive the updated versions for free. This is a lifetime promise. Every time I update the Grimoire, you will receive an email with an updated version of the Grimoire, with the new rituals added for you to enjoy. As I'm writing this, in the last three months alone, I have updated the grimoire almost every day with guided meditations, rituals for eclipse seasons and new moon rituals, and brain altering affirmations. All updates completely free and extremely powerful.
Looking to learn how to channel? The grimoire's rituals, guided meditations and exclusive energetic updates allow you to remove all blockages, obstacles, and resistance that may hinder your progress in channeling (or stop you altogether from connecting to your higher being). Channeling abilities are all innate within us, it's much less about practicing and much more about removing the layers of illusions we have as humans, that make us think we are limited in our intuitive abilities, or that what we see or feel are simply but imagination. The rituals and guided meditations found in the Divinati Grimoire will help you release yourself from the illusion that you are mid or basic, to allow you to tap into your inner witch at your full capacity, so that your channeling abilities can communicate with your vessel (human brain) more clearly.
What you can find in the Grimoire:
- 70+ pages of channeled rituals, spells, and content
- 25+ Guided Meditations for power integration, energy activation, and karmic release (hours of meditations in total)
- Exclusive planetary energy updates from alien consciousness council
- Content in voicenote & video form for energy updates & meditations
- Love & Soulmate spell jars
- Protection Spells & Rituals
- Quantum Jumping Rituals
- Past Life Karma Release Rituals
- Money Rituals
- Health & Beauty Rituals
- Powerful life changing affirmations
- Guide on how to use affirmations for quick success
- Tarot cheat sheet
- & much more.
It's time for the Witches to rise and help one another. Please note that all spells and rituals are white magick only. The spells and rituals are not available for anyone that wishes to harm someone else or to bend someone's will to their own. These spells and rituals do not attack someone personally, bring harm or chaos to anyone's life, or force someone to fall in love with you.
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